TITLE OF STORY TELLING: The beggining of a new life.
Hi readers! Today we show you a storytelling. I hope that you love it!
The plot of the story is: Our story it's about a girl who is living in an orphanage, she will be adopt for a homosexual family, then she will be surprised, because she think that a familly must be made up of a mother and father.
We chosen this topic because they have inclousive values, like equality.
This storytelling is from primary students, exactly from 7 to 8 years old.
-Before the pupils see the video they should realice a picture of their family
- When the story will be finish the pupils will understand that there are many types of families seeing the differents pictures that they will do.
Hi readers! Today we show you a storytelling. I hope that you love it!
The plot of the story is: Our story it's about a girl who is living in an orphanage, she will be adopt for a homosexual family, then she will be surprised, because she think that a familly must be made up of a mother and father.
She has this thought becouse she's been influenced by the stereotypes of society.
We made this storytelling by a aplication called, Animaker. It's a free program. You can make video with music, pictures, animations and voice audio.You can use program sounds or yours own sounds.It's easy to use it.We chosen this topic because they have inclousive values, like equality.
This storytelling is from primary students, exactly from 7 to 8 years old.
-Before the pupils see the video they should realice a picture of their family
- When the story will be finish the pupils will understand that there are many types of families seeing the differents pictures that they will do.
If you like our storytelling please give a like for us. Thank you readers!!!
If you like our storytelling please give a like for us. Thank you readers!!!