martes, 8 de octubre de 2019


 Hi readers! Today we tell you a project we do in class. It´s very interesting!

The project is about make materials from pre-primary school children.
We choose the topic "The planets", because it's interesting for children, and they learn a lot of this content  beacause the topic motivate children to learn.
This  project is for children to pre-primary school, exactly five years old.
We use "Cram" and also, cardboards with images to make the flash cards.Cram is an aplication that you can use in your phone, but to make flashcards and games, you should use this aplication in the computer because is better.

For the interactive map, we use thinglink
We think to teach with applications like this is very effective. Children pay more attention because they don't have to listen a teacher, they learn alone.

And for finally, we create mind map with photoshop and paint.It´s difficult to create with another aplication, because we need to put a lot of pictures. The children understand more the information with pictures.
If you can´t use photoshop or paint, you can make with materials, like drawings, papers of colors...

In the day of presentation, we explain our classmates, what we do with this materials in a class. We show the materials for them. First we explain our mind map, the children learn diferents knowlegde. For example, the order of the planets, the size of planets, the planets with rings and the planets whitout rings, the colors of the planets. This mind map create a first understand about this topic, and the children can see the diference between planets. It´s a easy way to know caracteristics about the planets.
Then we explain our flashcards. We can use the phone or tablet to play, but we create a memory game, because we think is motivate our students and they work their memories.
Finally, we explain our interactive poster, in here there are some games that children can put into practice what they learn before.For example, there are one video with a song, a word search.

We have an anecdote, because this day we have a problem. We can print our Mind Map and we show in the computer. Because this day, a member of the group,especially Angela, she worked in the morning and when she arrived to university. She went to Aulario 1 to print the mind map, but there are a lot of people. The class was started and she run to class, becasuse she did the presentation.

We pretend that the students learn this topic with an interactive activities, for this reason they learn vocabulary and a lot of characteristics about planets. With this activities improve their english and learn a lot of things about planets.

We hope that you like our project, if you have any question, please write a comment, we will ask!!

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What a better way to learn english with people who speak it? We have sent a email to the four girls who came to class the last week. ...