martes, 22 de octubre de 2019


What a better way to learn english with people who speak it?

We have sent a email to the four girls who came to class the last week.

Then, you can see our message to they.

And this is the answer that they sent us.

We think that this activity is interesting, because we improve our english with native people. If we have the chance of meet the foreign friends, we will do it. 

lunes, 21 de octubre de 2019



First of all, we would like to thank you for reading and following us during this time.

This blogg has served us to be able to show you all our projects and work that we have done; we thought it was a good idea to blogg, because this way we can get in touch with the other classmates and learn from ourselves.

As for the subject, we thought it is important to take it because we have worked again the grammar that is very important to remember, because we haven't given it in a while.

And the best thing about the subject has been all the projects we've done, because we have discovered new computer aplications that are very useful to be able to use them in the future with our students.

We think that this blog is a good way to work our english skills. We have do it six blog post and all team members han worked in these projects. When we had to do some job, we have divide to work better. One or two members looked up information about the job. Others members did the blog post. And the others members explained job at exposition.

The comments of our classmates are a good idea for improve our english. When we have read the comments, we have thought that we can learn of that. We don't speak english well, but with the exposition we have improve our english in front of the people.

To finish, we would like to say that it has been a good experience to take this subject and that the teacher has made it very easy for us and explained everything very well.

We would love you to keep reading us¡

Greetings and see you soon.


Our Escape Room it's about planets, our objective is that all the students improve their english with a differents types of activities. This escape room is for sixth grade of primary school.

There are seven tracks in total, the students have to solve the riddles, for achive the antidote to save the earth.




In this track, children should read the paper on the tap of the box, and then open the box.
In the paper put, "Guess what riddle... It's a planet. It´s red and it's has got water.What it is? Open the box".
When they open the box, they can see red sand,like the sand of Mars, inside of the sand there is the clue for the next track. In here says: "The second track is located on the stairs"


In this track, the pupils have to do the crossword about the next planet. When they guees what is the planet, they will know where have to go. 

This is the crossword.


In this track the chidels are the resolves the cubes puzzle. In one side, the puzzle have a characterics of Mercury. On the other side of the cubes the childrens are the picture of Mercury. 

For the pupils pass to the next track they are the look up in the cubes one paper. In this paper is the clue of the next track.  


In this activity, the participants have to solve the riddle through the alphabet. The first image is a alphabet, the second is a clue about the planet Venus. First they will have to decode the characteristics of the planet and then say what planet it is. For finally, the third image is a clue about where they have to go to find the next activity.


In this track, children see a sentence, but some letters are lacked. They should to decode the message for know about what planet it is. Then they can open and see the sentence. As you can see at the pictures. Also they have other clue that says "The next track is located on photocopier".


In this activity the pupils have to guess this riddle, for pass to the another prove. And if they pay attention they will find the answer, becouse there are a few letters witha differnt colour, and can help to solve the riddle,


This activity consists of students having to sort the puzzle with the words they have on the table; once they' ve managed to sort it they have to guess what planet it is.

Finally, if they have got the answer right they have to turn on themselves, as that planet does, and in this way they will get the piece of paper they need to be able to perform the final test.

Finally students in which one of the tracks we give a piece of paper.When they have all of the tracks, they have seven piece of papers, they can make a puzzle. In the puzzle can read the next sentence " Save the planet, recycle, reuse and reduce"
We think is important to take care with our planet, this is a way to explain the importance of recycling. We use this for motivate the students to recycle, and in other hand they learn about the topic of planets.


martes, 8 de octubre de 2019


 Hi readers! Today we tell you a project we do in class. It´s very interesting!

The project is about make materials from pre-primary school children.
We choose the topic "The planets", because it's interesting for children, and they learn a lot of this content  beacause the topic motivate children to learn.
This  project is for children to pre-primary school, exactly five years old.
We use "Cram" and also, cardboards with images to make the flash cards.Cram is an aplication that you can use in your phone, but to make flashcards and games, you should use this aplication in the computer because is better.

For the interactive map, we use thinglink
We think to teach with applications like this is very effective. Children pay more attention because they don't have to listen a teacher, they learn alone.

And for finally, we create mind map with photoshop and paint.It´s difficult to create with another aplication, because we need to put a lot of pictures. The children understand more the information with pictures.
If you can´t use photoshop or paint, you can make with materials, like drawings, papers of colors...

In the day of presentation, we explain our classmates, what we do with this materials in a class. We show the materials for them. First we explain our mind map, the children learn diferents knowlegde. For example, the order of the planets, the size of planets, the planets with rings and the planets whitout rings, the colors of the planets. This mind map create a first understand about this topic, and the children can see the diference between planets. It´s a easy way to know caracteristics about the planets.
Then we explain our flashcards. We can use the phone or tablet to play, but we create a memory game, because we think is motivate our students and they work their memories.
Finally, we explain our interactive poster, in here there are some games that children can put into practice what they learn before.For example, there are one video with a song, a word search.

We have an anecdote, because this day we have a problem. We can print our Mind Map and we show in the computer. Because this day, a member of the group,especially Angela, she worked in the morning and when she arrived to university. She went to Aulario 1 to print the mind map, but there are a lot of people. The class was started and she run to class, becasuse she did the presentation.

We pretend that the students learn this topic with an interactive activities, for this reason they learn vocabulary and a lot of characteristics about planets. With this activities improve their english and learn a lot of things about planets.

We hope that you like our project, if you have any question, please write a comment, we will ask!!


What a better way to learn english with people who speak it? We have sent a email to the four girls who came to class the last week. ...